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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Adieu Bangalore

I have been staying in Garden city for more than a month now and now when i have got used to the culture, weather, traffic culture (bling!!) the time has come to go back to my city.
The first 2-3 weeks was aweful from all angles - work pressure, work place, city traffic and even weather - I hate to get drenched in rain. . At workplace some people treated my like an alien, some didnt want to co-operate because they were not used to doing anything other than routine job. I hated to get cheated by Rickshaw drivers who would simply charge me 50 bucks for a 5 minute ride. Motorists on mg road gave me a weird look, because i was walking on the pedestrian lane.... coz' its supposed to be a motorist lane. To add to my woo- the bus driver didnt pick me up one day and I had to take a vehicle from another office and reached office 2 hrs late.... Phew!!
Most of my time was gone in wondering, how am I going to spend 6 weeks here.

Two colleagues came to assist me in a project after 2 weeks and thats when I started venturing out in the city. Lalbagh was amazingly beautiful, mango exhibition was quite interesting. I would wonder how people simply gobble up gobi manchurian at Udipi restaurants. I too tried this "manchuri" and it tastes superb!! We went around to different malls - none of them crowded like in M'bai. Two days off from my work place gave me time to breathe and admire the city. The city was so much green, so many gardens and pleasant weather. It was nice to wake up to the call of cuckoo early in the morning, observe squirrels and monkeys playing around with a hot cup of tea.
Slowly people in my office started smiling at me like I was a human being. Soon, I had learnt the tactic of handling people if I need to get my work done.
Colleagues would call me up in the morning to make sure I didnt miss the bus, driver in the evening wouldnt mind waiting for 10 - 15 minutes to drop me home.
On the last day of working in office, I was amazed when a person gave me a pack of biscuits and offered a cup of coffee, coz he knew I had skipped lunch to complete a lot of work.
I am not sure if I had changed or people had changed, but both of us had certainly changed the way of looking at each other and this helped me in getting used to the place and culture. I will surely miss working in this place, more than that I am super excited to get back home to my family.
Moving to B'lore will no longer be a challenge for me......
Maybe I should explore moving to another new city after some time (definetely not before one year atleast) to learn new culture, food and behaviour of people

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mumbai to Satara...

View of Satara city from Ajinkyataara Hill
I am blogging after a long time..…. blame my busy work schedule , or my laziness or both, nevertheless here is another trip overview… On Jan 26th our small group of friends decided to spend a weekend in one of our friend’s place in Satara.
A small intro abt Satara – It’s a district abt 4 hrs away from Mumbai and though not as popular as the other cities like Pune, Nagpur, it has got its own charm and we realized it after visiting this place.
Our journey started a day earlier in the evening straight from office. We met at Vashi, parked out vehicle there and started the journey in a TT, after breaking coconut and offering a small prayer. On the way, we picked up a few more friends from Poona, who were kind enough to get us all home-made food for dinner. After polishing away every bit of it – the fun part started.
Mr and Mrs VK had prepared some interesting games and they started off with a game called Telepathy. This involves a unique telepathy between two people A and B. The group decides to tell A a word – can be anything from air, water, space etc and person B recognizes the correct word without any doubts, however complex the word is…. It was interesting to solve the technique…I will not write it here, cos I will need it perhaps somewhere else..
It was past midnight when we reached our friend’s place. His family was very hospitable and they were kind enough to keep the beds ready for all of us and all we had to do was just crash down… Early next morning, my spouse volunteered to warm some water by lighting firewood. One group had the privilege to take bath in this water, while some had to manage with water from geyser. By 9.00 we were all ready and started off in the bus to a place called Ajinkyataara.

The TT stopped at the foot of the hillock and our friend recommended us all to trek all the way up the hillock. What looked like a 30 minute hike took us almost 2 hrs to go up and we enjoyed Misal Pav there on top of the Ajinkyataara hill. The view of city was beautiful from that point and the weather was absolutely perfect. From there we went to a place near a stream, found a suitable place to cook food. The lunch menu comprised of Bhakri ( rotis made from Jowar) Baingan Bharta (Coal roasted Egg plant mashed with added selective spices), rice, kadhi (prepared from buttermilk and chickpea flour) and some yummy fresh jalebis. The guys took care of heating firewood and somebit of cooking, while the girls completed the cutting, cooking and finishing the cooking… While food was being prepared we played some group games – hitting the ball, badminton. The food prepared on charcoal wood tasted great… The flavour of the eggplant after cooked on firewood was something really intesting. The Papad prepared on the hot charcoal simply tasted superb…

From there we started off to another plave to take a look at 100’s of windmills. After taking pictures there, we went to a place called Sajjangad fort to enjoy the sunset. We had to climb abt 300 steps to reach the top of the fort and spent good time there.

In the evening we had a campfire on the terrace and got good chance to interact with the entire family of our friend and also played some interesting games…The next day too we ventured out in a different direction and stopped by a water body to warm the food.. The josh to prepare the entire course of meal on firewood had diminished. We’d rather spend time in playing games… There was a game on ‘ how well do you know ur partner and we managed to win the game marginally beating our nearest competitor… What made us lose points was a Q on my favourite fruit and I said Orange ( it was actually water-melon) My spouse guessed it right, but I messed up.I don’t know how it skipped out of my mind, inspite of this we were able to win the game.
From there we went back to our friend's place packed up and started back to Mumbai. On the way back, we shared good memories of the trip. Overall the trip was excellently managed.
We were almost 10 people, with a small girl. There was no messing up on anything - time of food, planning of places and even games - everything was executed to perfection. I would attribute this successful trip to good planning, good team work, excellent co-ordination between all members... Kudos to us all and hope to have more excursions in this way!!