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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My daughter recently achieved two milestones after turning one!!
One - She started walking independently. I wanted to see how long she can walk independently and started moving backwards, so that she can slowly walk and catch me.To my utter surprise, she walked almost 10 steps and seemed to be quite amused. She then surprised my mom by sprinting towards her. My parents said that her walking style was like her father. He too walks fast - as if in a hurry ( dunno whether to call this as Mumbai effect). She walked on 23rd July 2010.
Another milestone achieved after 2 days was she recognised my voice on phone and responded as if I was there in front of her and talking. My parents said, her face changed after listening to me and she heard me with great concentration and responded intelligently.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Birthday

The little one turned one!!! Time flies so fast.. It was just a year ago, when I held my little angel in my hands and wondered how innocent she looked. She was a little baby and slowly started turning, crawling and now walks. She is a keen oberver and learns things pretty fast. She screams loudly and can get anyone's attention with her loud voise. She has started talking a little and sometimes surprises us by saying auntie. Her favourite words are baa( for come), taaku (thank you), daayi (for mama and papa), aakum, edda , ethho. I am thoroughly enjoying her company and feel blessed to have such a wonderful daughter and supportive parents.

The birthday party was a family affair. we celebrated it in house in Bangalore and had Tom and Jerry Cake. There were about 60 guests and I made most of them write a birthday message for my little one. I am planning to make a nice book and put in all messages in there with the guest's photos, so that my little one can read them all when she is a big girl.

My spouse was a proud father and couldnt help gushing around the antics of his little princess with everyone around. A had so much fun with V, that she would happiliy clap her hands to see V after a long gap. Next year, I will plan to have a theme party with some games, so that my little one can enjoy.