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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Proud Mom

I cant help gushing around the antics of my little one. She will complete 16 months in the next few days and here is a small update on her
1. She is able to repeat the words i say like - Mamma, baby, akki, anna, chapathi etc. She is not able to clearly pronounce the words but make full attempt to speak clearly.
2. She is fond of travelling - i mean to say she like to go out of the house and roam around. As soon as I reach home, I have to take her out to the park for a walk and this has become a routine for quite sometime. She brings her slippers to me and sighs me to put it on and points out her finger at the door.After we step out, she knows to call the lift and press 0 inside the lift to go down. She smiles at me in a unique way trying to show that she has accomplished a big task. If i try to ignore her, she will scream loudly, cry and start rolling on the ground. She surely knows how to get things done from me.
3. She has a unique capability to get things done her way. At this age if she is able to do it then I must commend her. She knows how to behave with me, my dad, my mom and my spouse. She does everything my mom says to her and never troubles her. With my dad, she expects him to show her train (pronounced as taaain), show her animals, even big ants.
4. She is fond of animals and recognises these animals - dog, cow, buffalo, hen/cock, crow, butterfly and birds.
5. She starts dancing as soon as she hears good music. She twists her hands, shakes her leg and even sways her body. I think I should encourage her to learn dancing.
6. She knows how to hold a phone and pretends to talk over the phone. she pauses inbetween with a laugh, or a sigh, keeps looking at the phone in between just like us. If someone happens to observe her mobile manners from far, it would be hard tpo believe that she is just pretending.
7. She likes to watch TV and hands over the remote to me if she doesnt like the channel. She is fond of some ads and starts smiling and cheering even before we realise what ad is going to come.

Let me pause here for a while and continue later..