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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Family Day

About 2 weeks back, our company organized a family day party at a nearby resort. I took my little one to the party. It was almost lunch time by the time we reached and she seemed to enjoy there. After playing some games, she got a mehndi design on her palm. Then one person started singing some songs holding the mike. That's when A told me that she too wanted to hold the mike and wanted to sing. I just brushed off her words, thinking she was just telling me. Then when she expressed her desire again, I took her words seriously and then told the organizers that A wanted to sing. The organizer then announced " A little princess named A will now sing a song. " My little one boldly went on stage held the mike and announced " Hi, I am Aditi, and I will sing a song." She started singing Laxmee baramma, Bhagyalaxmee baaramma.... and then suddenly felt so shy that she hugged me and told me that she will not sing further. Everybody started clapping and I couldnt believe that she actually held the mike and sang two lines.. She surely made me proud that day! Afterall she gave her first stage performance at the age of 2!!!