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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Corporate Ladder

As you move up in corporate ladder, a lot of changes take place in you as well as your responsibilities.

# Your day-to-day responsibilities goes down but your year-to-year responsibilities go up.You are looked down upon as a person who will provide long term direction to business.

# You are more accountable and less responsible
More accountable for your team, their performance and cumulative business. Less responsible as you are not involved in day-to-day stuff.

# Soft skills are of prime importance to handle subordiantes and get them motivated to do things efficiently.That’s where a management degree would help, but for a person with right attitude, skill and knowledge this would hardly matter.

# Physical stress vs mental stress
Physical stress decreases, but mental stress increases.

These are some of the changes that I have observed. Are there any other changes?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mini Wedding

Its been a while, since I’ve moved to Bangalore…oops Bengaluru. The advantage of staying here is close proximity to relative’s place and getting invited for each and every function that happens at anyone’s place. In about 2 months time, we’ve got an opportunity to attend atleast 4-5 such functions – naming ceremony, cradle ceremony, small puja, lunch party, engagements, weddings and more. I am not pro attending such events as most of the conversations revolve around common topics – gossip, boasting of their children’s achievements, foreign trips, money spending power. But the advantage is you can catch up with a lot of people at one place and get updated about a lot of things.

Recently,I got to attend an engagement party that was almost like a wedding reception. There were atleast 300 people who attended the event and most of them seem to be proudly showing off their valuable assets – hitech gadgets, cars, clothes, shoes, bouquets etc. I could over hear people talking about many things with appreciation - guy's sherwani worth 10K, diamond earrings, studded slippers, sarees bought at x,y,z place etc. This made me wonder again – Are our Indian weddings are based on pomp and show? The more money spent, the better. . There are many people who barely earn enough to have 2 proper meals a day and there are others who blow up so much money for a small function - what do they achieve by doing this?
I can never understand this logic

I remembered a friend’s wedding that I attended in Amsterdam,Europe. It was so much different and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the ceremony.. Nancy and Paul - I'm remembering you guys and hope to meet up sometime in the future.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It happens only in India

On 16th March 2010, I read about the grand opening of a mall in Mantri Square Malleshwaram. I had heard about this for a while and wanted to see the place. I was more interested in visiting Spar hypermarket, which claimed to have opened the biggest hypermarket in South India. The biggest hypermarket I have visited till date in India is Shop rite at Nirmal Lifestyle Mulund and Hypermarket at Hyper city Malad. These are the best markets I have visited in Mumbai. I expected something similar or better, but was disappointed as soon as I entered the market. The entrance was rather small and congested with people who were unable to decide whether to go in or not and finally we managed to find our way inside the shop and shop for a few things. The eating counter was located right at the centre of the shop and this was a little inconvenient for people moving with filled trolleys, as they had to squeeze in the middle of hungry people.

I didn’t expect so many people to be present at that place and it was over crowded by Bangalore standards. I had not seen so many people in any other super market – be it Spar at koramangala, Big Bazaar or even Reliance mart. By the time I finished my small shopping – it was closing time and just as I removed my stuff before the counter, the person told me there was a problem with the system and he wasn’t able to bill in my stuff. I had to put back all my paraphernalia and carry to another counter. The person seemed to be a little irritated after a hectic day’s schedule and seemed to be in a great hurry to punch in the details and carelessly packed the things I had purchased.

The whole experience was draining and I swore to think twice before going there again. We reached home and then my dad was casually going through the bill, he found that the cashier had forgot to punch in the bill for 2-3 items I had purchased and had blindly packed them for us without charging us the amount. Probably the guy at the counter was exhausted and in a hurry to pack-up. I considered it as an inaugural gift and kept it for myself.

As I was chatting over this experience with a colleague, he mentioned to me that such things are very common in super markets even on normal days. Some items don’t have a bar code on them and hence doesn’t beep when an unbilled item is taken out. Lot of people take advantage of this and someone managed to sneak away with a LCD TV worth 1.5 lacs, when the systems crashed during peak shopping hours and while manual billing was being done, the guy coolly walked away without paying even in a penny…. Guess what? The company realized this after 6 months during stock checking and then traced out the person.

Waow! It happens only in India!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Principles of my life

Some of the principles I follow in my life:

Dont hurt someone as far as possible.
Spend quality time with people you love.
Have an aim or ambition in life and believe in it. Work towards achieving it.
Look after your health. Its important to eat right - in quality and quantity.
Make a few, but good and trustworthy friends.
Read lot of books and remember one key point from every book.
If you cannot be a part of the progress, donot be a hindrance to the progress.
Speak only if required and think twice before speaking.
Be honest to your employer and be punctual.
Dont take work home.