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I use this blog to write about my travel experience and my try to express my opinion on general things. Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Little Big Girl

I don’t know whether it is necessary to use an oxymoron to describe my little one, but her behavior over last few days have really made me realize how fast my 14 month old baby is able to learn things and quite mature for her age.
Here are a few instances.
- After having a cup of tea or a glass of water, if I tell her to put the used glass in the sink, she promptly grabs the cup and carefully walks all the way till the kitchen and carefully puts the glass or cup into the sink and comes back cheerfully.
- She clearly understands what I tell her and promptly obeys my words like – switch off lights or fan (and yes! she can make out the difference between the two)
- She will bring in any stuff that I ask for – book, remote, toys, newspaper, towel and some clothes. If I ask her where are her clothes or diaper – she points out a finger in that direction and waits for my approval to bring it to me.
- She knows different animals too. Cow(as ambaa),dog(as bow bow)and hen(as ko ko)
- She folds her hands in bhakti whenever she sees a picture of God. My hubby was spell bound when he saw her folding hands and bowing her head as we were passing by a temple.
I could add a few more points, but got to get back to work now. I will soon find more time in add in more things.

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